

From Hampstead to Chiswick

Saturday, August 10th , 2024

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The Hound is a revamp of a pub site in Chiswick that at one time was the old police station. It is an attractive building with an airy courtyard, but the food in its new incarnation was rather uninspiring. It will probably do all right due to its prime location, but I was hoping for better food.

Ine is that mythical creature that was thought either extinct or never to have existed: a good restaurant in Hampstead. Ine is a Japanese sister of Taku in central London, and served some genuinely good food to me at a wine event hosted here. As well as sushi there are menus for kaiseki and also Japanese pub style dishes at lunch. 

La Trompette is an old stalwart of Chiswick and its only Michelin-starred restaurant these days. It serves extremely reliable French food with bonus of a large and kindly priced wine list and friendly service. I enjoyed a very good chicken dish and a pretty strawberry dessert at this visit. Long may it continue.


