

l'Oro di Napoli

6 The Quadrant, Little Ealing Lane, London, W5 4EE, United Kingdom

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This little pizzeria in South Ealing serves an impressively good Neapolitan pizza. On this latest visit I tried a classic Margherita. The base of the pizza was superb, soft and stretchy, the cheese bubbling away when the pizza arrived and the outside of the crust dotted with “leopard spot” charring. The pizza was not a perfect circula shape but it tasted just fine (13/20).  A custom pizza was similarly enjoyable, with good quality artichokes and olives and the same lovely base.

Rum baba is made in the kitchen of the larger sister restaurant in Hanwell and was good, having nice texture and avoiding dryness (13/20). Also good was a cheese cake drizzled with passion fruit sauce, again made from scratch in the kitchen (13/20).

The bill came to £23 with beer to drink. This was early on a Tuesday night but the place was heaving, with tables turned and a stream of takeaway orders, but the staff handled the rush well. It was interesting that all three of the nearby tables (which are closely packed) had Italian customers. They clearly know the real thing when they taste it. There are much better publicised pizzerias in London, but none that makes a noticeably better pizza.

Further reviews: 02nd Jun 2024 | 23rd Mar 2017 | 21st Feb 2017

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