Delhi Social was set up by chef Manish Sharma and general manager Avi Patel, who previously worked together at Black Salt in East Sheen. This is a large space, with the dining room in three sections plus further seating outside in the garden on this warm August night. The menu is very appealing, with crowd pleasing dishes in an a la carte format. Several beers are on tap including Kirin, and there are a few wines on offer too.
Kale bhajias were a delight, ultra-crisp and full of flavour (16/20). This dish is such a clever construction, completely erasing memories of all the soggy onion bhajias that we have all eaten over the years in high street tandoori places. Aloo tikki chaat (£7.50) had potato cutlets with assorted chutneys. This was a little better than the version I had on a previous visit, but for me the dish is still a little bland given the considerable size of the potato cutlets. For me a spicier touch or maybe something to give a contrasting texture would enliven this dish (13/20). Tandoori prawns (£14.50) were superb, the large prawns being beautifully cooked, their spicy marinade nicely complementing the prawns (easily 15/20).
Mushroom muttur masala (£10) had peas, onion, button mushrooms and tomato masala. This was excellent, the peas being quite sweet, the mushrooms retaining a little texture and the spices in the sauce nicely judged (15/20). Methi chicken (£12.50) is a fine dish here, there being plenty of fresh fenugreek leaves to enliven the tender pieces of chicken (15/20). Aloo gobi (£7) always seems to be terrific here, the cauliflower and potato retaining their texture very well, the spices beautifully balanced (16/20). Naan bread (£3.50) was fine, with fairly soft texture, and the pulao rice (£4.50) was also good.
Service was very good. The bill came to £57 per person with beer to drink and enough food for a complete takeaway meal. A typical cost per person might be below £50 per head. Delhi Social is serving some really classy Indian food at a moderate price. Twickenham is very lucky to have somewhere of this calibre.
Further reviews: 15th Dec 2024 | 28th Dec 2023 | 26th Nov 2023
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